What Color Primer Should I Use?
Wise Owl Primer comes in four color options: Clear, White, Gray, and Dark Gray. Each of these serves a different purpose and choosing the right one can have a huge impact on the ease and outcome of your painting project.
When To Use Primer and Why It's So Helpful
When preparing to paint a piece of furniture, priming can be an essential part of creating a high quality, long lasting finish. Whether you need superior adhesion to allow your paint to stick to a slick surface or superior stain blocking to lock in tannins and stains, Wise Owl primer can be the key to working smarter, not harder!
Prep Work = The Least Favorite, But Most Crucial Part of Painting Furniture!
Prep work is a beast that most of us hate to tackle, and plenty of folks skip altogether. But if you want your beautiful paint job to last...prep work is a non negotiable. I don’t care what any paint brand tells you, you NEED to prep. (And yes, I am fully prepared to receive major backlash for saying this, and I don’t care...I’m unwavering when it comes to prep work. Period.) Depending on the condition of your furniture, your prep work can vary quite a bit. You might get away with 20 minutes of light cleaning or it might take a whole week of work. You need to assess your surface, come up with a game plan, and jump in.